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Neck Massage

Therapeutic Massage


We understand that true healing takes time and commitment. Our massage services are not a quick fix, but a comprehensive approach to addressing the underlying issues causing your pain and discomfort.


A soft tissue mobilization expert can aid in injury recovery by employing targeted techniques to alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance tissue flexibility. Through hands-on manipulation, they can address scar tissue, reduce inflammation, and promote proper healing, ultimately restoring function and reducing pain for a faster and more complete recovery.


By partnering with our therapists and committing to a series of sessions, you give yourself the opportunity to experience lasting results. We will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that targets your specific needs and supports your healing journey.


**Ask About our new program that combines Therapeutic massage and mobilization techniques through a personalized yoga plan.


Single Service: $115 
Series: $575 (5) $1,000 (10)


Single Service: $145 
Series: $625 (5) $1,250 (10)


Single Service: $235 
Series: $1,075 (5) $2,250 (10)


Deep Tissue: Experience targeted relief as our therapists apply firm pressure to release tension deep within muscles, promoting improved range of motion and alleviating chronic pain.


CBD: Enhance your massage with the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of CBD oil, allowing for deeper relaxation and relief from soreness and inflammation.


Hot Stones: Drift into tranquility as heated stones melt away tension, promoting relaxation and increasing blood flow to soothe tired muscles and induce deep relaxation.


Red Light Therapy: Rejuvenate your body on a cellular level with red light therapy, known for its ability to reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation, and accelerate tissue repair.


Cupping: Experience the therapeutic benefits of cupping as suction cups are applied to the skin, helping to release toxins, improve circulation, and alleviate muscle tension and pain.


KT Taping: Enhance your recovery and performance with KT Taping, which provides support to muscles and joints, improves circulation, and reduces pain and inflammation.


Sound Healing Add-On:

  • Enhance your massage experience with our sound healing add-on, where we incorporate weighted and unweighted tuning forks, a drum, and Koshi chimes for an additional 30 minutes of blissful relaxation and rejuvenation.

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